
Sumerian NameExplanationAkkadian Name
Ansky god, cult center: UrukAnu or Anum
Antuwife of AnAntum
Abzuunderground fresh water, the abyssApsu
Dumuzi"Steadfast Child," erstwhile husband of Inanna, god of vegetation and cattleTammuz or Adonis
Enki"Lord Earth," fresh water of the earth, god of intelligence and wisdom, arts and crafts, trickster, cult center: Eridu, spouse of DamkinaEa
Enlil"Lord Wind," ruler of earth, cult center: Nippur, spouse of NinlilEllil
Ereshkigalqueen of the netherworld---
Inanna"Queen of Heaven," daughter of An, goddess of love, sex and war, cult centers: Uruk and KishIshtar
---son of Ea, cult center: BabylonMarduk
---son of Marduk, god of wisdom, patron of scribes, cult center: BorsippaNabu
Nannamoon god, father of Utu, cult centers: Ur, HarranSin
Nergalgod of plagues, death, and war, spouse of Ereshkigal, cult center: Mashkan-shapirErra
Ningal"Great Lady," wife of Nanna, mother of Utu, cult center Ur---
Ninhursagmother-goddessBelet-ili, Aruru
Ninlil"Lady Wind," wife of Enlil, cult center: NippurMullitu/Mylitta
Ninurta"Lord Earth," son of Enlil, god of war, hunt, and justice, cult center: Nippur---
Nisabacereal goddess, patroness of writing, goddess of science---
Utusun god, son of Nanna, father of laws, arbiter of justice; cult centers: Sippar, LarsaShamash
Ziusudra"Life of Distant Days" (Sum.),
"I have found Life" or "Exceedingly Wise"(Akkad.),
survivor of the Flood
Utnapishtim or Atrahasis