Last updated: 04/02/19

Selected Bibliography

© 2018 Peter A. Piccione
All rights reserved.

Bibliographical entries are listed here first by general subject areas then by author. Click on any subject area in the list.

    Subject Areas:
  1. Ancient Egypt: General References and Encyclopedias
  2. General Egyptian Histories
  3. Medical Bibliographies, Dictionaries and Reference Materials

  4. Dentistry and Dental Health
  5. Ethnology and Ethnological Issues: Egypt and Nubia
  6. General Studies in Egyptian Medicine and Human Biology
  7. Gynaecology, Contraception and Abortion
  8. Human Anatomy: Notions and Conceptions
  9. Molecular Biology and DNA Studies
  10. Mummies and Mummification (see also Palaeopatholgy and Medical Anthropology)
  11. Palaeopatholgy and Medical Anthropology (see also Mummies and Mummification)
  12. Pharmacology and Pharmacopoeia
  13. Physicians: Social Status, Function and Training
  14. Primary Sources: The Medical Papyri and Texts
  15. Relations with Greek, Roman and Other Medicines
  16. Religious and Magical Issues
  17. Sex and Sexuality
  18. Surgery, Surgical Operations and Trepanation
  19. Urology and Circumcision
Ancient Egypt: General References and Encyclopedias

Baines, J. and Malek, J. Atlas of Ancient Egypt. New York: Facts on File, 1980.

Bard, K., editor. Encyclopedia of the Archaeology of Ancient Egypt. London and New York: Routledge, 199.

Dawson, W. R and E. P. Uphill. Who Was Who in Egyptology. Third edition, revised by M. L. Bierbrier. London: Egypt Exploration Society, 1995.

Lexikon der Ägyptologie, eds. Helck, W., E. Otto and W. Westendorf. Seven volumes. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1975-1989. (This is the professionals' encyclopedia of ancient Egypt. Some articles are in English, while others are in German or French. Use German and French dictionaries to look up foreign words. Even if you do not read German or French, all articles contain highly useful bibliographies.)

Manley, Bill. The Penguin Historical Atlas of Ancient Egypt. London: Penguin Books, 1996.

Meyers, Eric M., editor. Oxford Encyclopedia of Archaeology in the Ancient Near East. Five volumes. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997.

Redford, D. B. Pharaonic Kinglists, Annals and Day-Books: A Contribution to the Study of the Egyptian Sense of History. Mississauga: Benben Publications, 1986.

Redford, Donald B., editor. The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000.

Sasson, Jack M., editor. Civilizations of the Ancient Near East. Four volumes. New York: Scribner, 1995 onward.

UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology. UCLA Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures. (click to open).

General Histories

Aldred, C. The Egyptians. Third edition, revised and updated by Aidan Dodson. London: Thames and Hudson, 1998.

Bagnall, R. S. Egypt in Late Antiquity. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1993.

Bowman, A. K. Egypt after the Pharaohs. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1986.

Brewer, Douglas J. and Emily Teeter. Egypt and the Egyptians. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999.

Emery, W. B. Archaic Egypt. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1961.

Grimal, N. A History of Ancient Egypt. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 1992. Paper edition, 1994.

Harris, J. R., editor. The Legacy of Egypt. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1971.

Hayes, W. C. The Scepter of Egypt: A Background for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Two volumes. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Volume 1, From the Earliest Times to the End of the Middle Kingdom. 1953
Volume 2, The Hyksos Period and the New Kingdom. 1959.

Hoffman, M. Egypt Before the Pharaohs: The Historical Foundations of Egyptian Civilization. Rev. ed. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1991.

Kemp, B. Ancient Egypt: Anatomy of a Civilization. London: Routledge, 1989.

Kitchen, K. A. The Egyptian Nineteenth Dynasty. Warminster: Aris & Phillips, 1977.

Kitchen, K. A. Pharaoh Triumphant: The Life and Times of Ramesses II. Warminster: Aris & Phillips Ltd., 1982.

Kitchen, K. A. The Third Intermediate Period in Egypt (1100-650 B.C.). 3rd. ed., rev. with new Preface and Supplement. Warminster: Aris & Phillips Ltd., 1995.

Quirke, S. and Spencer, J. The British Museum Book of Ancient Egypt. London: Thames and Hudson, 1992.

Thompson, D. J. Memphis under the Ptolemies. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1988

Trigger, B. G., Kemp, B. J., O' Connor, D., Lloyd, A. B. Ancient Egypt: A Social History. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983.

Medical Bibliographies, Dictionaries and Reference Materials

Deines, H. von and Westendorf, W. Wörterbuch der medizinischen Texte. Grundriss der Medizin der alten Ägypter 7. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1962.

Goldstein, M. Internationale Bibliographie der altägyptischen Medizin, 1850-1930. Berlin: Aegyptologischer Verlag M. Goldstein, 1933.

Piccione, Peter A., ed. Classified Bibliographical Database of Ancient Egyptian Medicine and Medical Practice, Including: Palaeopathology, Biology and Human Anthropology (from A.D. 1676 to the present) NB: A work in progress. (click to open).

Rose, Jerome C., ed., Bioarchaeology of Ancient Egypt and Nubia: Bibliography. British Museum. Occasional Paper 112, London: British Museum, 1996.

Dentistry and Dental Health

Allen, C. "A Volume of the 'Operator of the Teeth.'" Medical History 14/4 (1970): 418-19.

Grilletto, R. "Caries and Dental Attrition in the Early Egyptians as Seen in the Turin Collection." In Population Biology of the Ancient Egyptians, ed. D. R. Brothwell and B. Chiarelli, 325-31. New York: Academic Press, 1973.

Harris, J. E., Iskander, Z. and Farid, S. "Restorative Dentistry in Ancient Egypt: An Archaeologic Fact!' Michigan Dental Association Journal 57 (1975): 401-4.

Iskander, Z. and Harris, J. E. "A Skull with a Silver Bridge to Replace a Central Incisor." Annales du Service des Antiquités de l'Égypte 62 (1977): 85-90.

Leek, F. F. "Did a Dental Profession Exist in Ancient Egypt During the 3rd Millennium B.C.?" Medical History 16 (1972): 404-6.

Leek, F. F. "Teeth and Bread in Ancient Egypt." Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 58 (1972): 126-32.

Nickol, T., Germer, R., Lieberenz, S., Schmidt, F. and Wilke, W. "An Examination of the Dental State of an Egyptian Mummy by Means of Computer Temography: A Contribution to 'Dentistry in Ancient Egypt'." Bulletin of the History of Dentistry 43 (November, 1995): 105-12.

Reymond, E.A.E. "From an Ancient Egyptian Dentist's Handbook." In Mélanges Adolphe Gutbub, by l'Institut d'Égyptologie, Université Paul Valery, 183-99. Montpellier: Université de Montpellier, 1984.

Thornton, Francis, "Changes in Oral Pathology through Time of Nile Valley Populations Predynastic to Roman," In The Archaeology of Death in the Ancient Near East, ed. S. Campbell and A. Green, 41-44, Oxbow Monograph 51, Oxford: Oxbow Books, 1995.

Weeks, K. R. "Ancient Egyptian Dentistry." In An X-Ray Atlas of the Royal Mummies, ed. J. E. Harris and E. F. Wente, 99-121. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1980.

Ethnology and Ethnological Issues: Egypt and Nubia

Bard, K. "Ancient Egyptians and the Issue of Race." In Black Athena Revisited, ed. M. Lefkowitz and G. M. Rogers, 103-11. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1996.

Batrawi, A. "The Racial History of Egypt and Nubia, Part I." Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 75 (1945): 81-101.

Batrawi, A. "The Racial History of Egypt and Nubia, Part II." Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 76 (1946): 131-56.

Berry, A. C. and Berry, R. J. "Origins and Relations of the Ancient Egyptians Based on a Study of Non-metrical Variations in the Skull." In Population Biology of the Ancient Egyptians, ed., D. R. Brothwell and B. A. Chiarelli, 199-208. New York, 1973.

Berry, A. C., Berry, R. J. and Ucko, P. J. "Genetical Changes in Ancient Egypt." Man n.s. 2 (1967): 551-68.

Billy, G. "Population Changes in Egypt and Nubia." Journal of Human Evolution 6 (1977): 697-704.

Brace, C. L., Tracer, D. B., Yaroch, L. A., Robb, J., Brandt, K. and Nelson, A. R. "Clines and Clusters Versus 'Race': A Test in Ancient Egypt and the Case of a Death on the Nile." Yearbook of Physical Anthropology 36 (1993): 1-31. Reprinted in Black Athena Revisited, ed. M. Lefkowitz and G. M. Rogers, 129-64. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1996.

Brothwell, D. R. and Chiarelli, B. A., editors. Population Biology of the Ancient Egyptians. New York, 1973.

Burnor, D. R. and Harris, J. E. "Racial Continuity in Lower Nubia: 12,000 to the Present." Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences 77 (1968): 113-21.

Carlson, D. S. and Van Gerven, D. P. "Diffusion, Biological Determinism, and Biocultural Adaptation in the Nubian Corridor." American Anthropology 81 (1979): 561-5180.

Crichton, J. M. "A Multiple Discriminant Analysis of Egyptian and African Negro Crania." Papers of the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology 57 (1966): 46-67.

[Devisse, J.] "Report on the Symposium on 'The Peopling of Ancient Egypt and the Deciphering of Meroitic Script.'" In General History of Africa (Abridged Edition). Volume 2, Ancient Civilizations of Africa, ed. G. Mokhtar, 33-61. London: J. Curry for UNESCO, 1990.

Drenkhahn, R. "Darstellungen von Negern in Ägypten [Representations of Negroes in Egypt]." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Hamburg, 1967.

Dzierzykray-Rogalski, T. "On the Black Variety at Kadero Sudan." Current Anthropology 19 (1978): 406-07.

Dzierzykray-Rogalski, T. "Racial Affinities of Prehistoric Population at Kadero." In Études nubiennes: Conference du Genève. Actes du VIIe Congrès International d'Études Nubiennes, 3-8 Septembre 1990. Vol. 2, Communications, 311-13. Neuchâtel: C. Bonnet, 1994.

Fischer, H. "Yellow-skinned Representations of Men in the Old Kingdom," in "Varia Aegyptiaca." Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt 2 (1963): 17-51.

Van Gerven, D. P., Armelagos, G. J. and Rohr, A. "Continuity and Change in Cranial Morphology of Three Nubian Archaeological Populations." Man 12 (1977): 270-77.

Van Gerven, D. P., Carlson, D. S. and Armelagos, G. J. "Racial History and Biocultural Adaptation of Nubian Archaeological Populations." Journal of African History 14 (1973): 555-64.

Greene, D. L. "Dental Anthropology of Early Egypt and Nubia." Journal of Human Evolution 1 (1972): 315-24. Reprinted in Population Biology of the Ancient Egyptians, ed. D. R. Brothwell and B. Chiarelli. New York: Academic Press, 1973.

Greene, D. L. "Dentition and the Biological Relationships of Some Meroitic, X-Group, and Christian Populations from Wadi Halfa, Sudan." Kush 14 (1966): 284-88.

Jeffreys, M. D. W. "Circumcision: Its Diffusion from Egypt among the Bantu." Criteria (Witwatersrand) 1 (1949): 73-84. Recapitulated in African Abstracts 1 (1950): 99, no. 314.

Johnson, Andrew L. and Lovell, Nancy C. "Biological Differentiation at Predynastic Naqada, Egypt: An Analysis of Dental Morphological Traits." American Journal of Physical Anthropology 93/4 (April 1994): 427-33.

Johnson, Andrew L. and Lovell, Nancy C. "Dental Morphological Evidence for Biological Continuity between the A-Group and C-Group Periods in Lower Nubia," International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 5 (1995): 368-76.

Keita, S. "Further Studies of Crania from Ancient Northern Africa: an Analysis of Crania from First Dynasty Egyptian Tombs, Using Discriminant Functions." American Journal of Physical Anthropology 87/3 (March 1992): 245-54.

Keita, S. "Studies of Ancient Crania from Northern Africa." American Journal of Physical Anthropology 83 (1990): 35-48.

Leahy, A. "Ethnic Diversity in Ancient Egypt." In Civilizations of the Ancient Near East1, ed. Jack M. Sasson, 225-34. New York: Scribner, 1995 onward.

Nielsen, O. V. "Population Movements and Changes in Ancient Nubia with Special Reference to the Relationship Between C-group, New Kingdom and Kerma." In Population Biology of the Ancient Egyptians, ed., D. R. Brothwell and B. A. Chiarelli, 31-46. New York, 1973.

Ortiz de Montellano, B. R. "Melanin, Afrocentricity and Pseudoscience." Yearbook of Physical Anthropology 36 (1993): 33-58.

Prowse, Tracy L. and Lovell, Nancy C., "Biological Continuity between the A- and C-Groups in Lower Nubia: Evidence from Cranial Non-metrical Traits." International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 5 (June, 1995): 103-14.

Robertson, J. H. and Bradley, R. J. "On the Presence of the Negro in the Nile Valley." Current Anthropology 18 (1977): 177-78.

Roesing, F. W. "The Negroid Population Component in the Border City of Aswan from the Predynastic to the Late Period." In Akten des vierten Ägyptologen-Kongresses, München 1985, ed. S. Schoske, 307-15. Two volumes. Studien zur Altägyptischen Kultur. Beiheft 1. Hamburg: Helmut Buske Verlag, 1988.

Rose, J. C., Armelagos, G. J. and Perry, S. "Dental Anthropology of the Nile Valley." In Biological Anthropology and the Study of Ancient Egypt, ed. W. V. Davies and R. Walker, 61-74. London: British Museum Press, 1993.

Simon, C. "Evaluation de la morphologie des populations humaines de Nubie: Essai sur la variabilité des populations." In Études nubiennes: Conference du Genève. Actes du VIIe Congrès International d'Études Nubiennes, 3-8 Septembre 1990. Vol. 2, Communications, 287-94. Neuchâtel: C. Bonnet, 1994.

Simon, C. and Menck, R. "Diachronic Study of the Internal Structure of the Population of the Nile Valley by Means of Multivariate Analysis of Morphometrical Data." Antropologia Contemporanea 8 (1985): 95-104.

Snowden, Jr., F. M. Before Color Prejudice: The Ancient View of Blacks. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1983.

Snowden, Jr., F. M. "Bernal's 'Blacks and the Afrocentrists." In Black Athena Revisited, ed. M. Lefkowitz and G. M. Rogers, 112-28. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1996.

Snowden, Jr., F. M. "Bernal's 'Blacks,' Herodotus and Other Classical Evidence." Arethusa, Special Issue: The Challenge of Black Athena (Fall, 1989): 97-109.

Snowden, Jr., F. M. Blacks in Antiquity; Ethiopians in the Greco-Roman Experience. Cambridge, Mass., Belknap Press, Harvard University Press, 1970.

Strouhal, E. "Evidence of the Early Penetration of Negroes into Prehistoric Egypt." Journal of African History 12 (1971): 1-9.

Strouhal, E. "Rassengeschichte Ägyptens [Racial History of Egypt]." In Rassengeschichte der Menschheit, ed. K. Saller and I. Schwidetzky, 8-89. Vol. 3. Lieferung. Munich: Oldenburg, 1975.

Trigger, B. "Nubian, Negro, Black, Nilotic?" In Africa in Antiquity: The Arts of Ancient Nubia and the Sudan, ed. S. Wenig, 26-35. Volume 1, The Essays. Brooklyn: The Brooklyn Museum, 1978.

Wiercinski, A. "The Analysis of Racial Structure of Early Dynastic Populations in Egypt." In Materialy i Prace Antropologiczne 72, by Zaklad Antropologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk, 3-48. Wroclaw: Zaklad Antropologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk, 1965.

Wiercinski, A. "Introductory Remarks Concerning the Anthropology of Ancient Egypt." Bulletin de la Société de Géographie d'Égypte 3 (1958): 73-84.

Wiercinski, A. "The Problem of Anthroposcopic Variations in the Ancient Egyptians." In Population Biology of the Ancient Egyptians, ed. D. R. Brothwell and B. Chiarelli. New York: Academic Press, 1973.

Vercoutter, J. "The Iconography of the Black in Ancient Egypt from the Beginnings to the Twenty-fifth Dynasty." In The Image of the Black in Western Art. Volume 1, From the Pharaohs to the Fall of the Roman Empire, ed. J. Vercoutter, J. Leclant, F. M. Snowden and J. Desanges, 32-88, 291-92. New York: William Morrow, 1976.

Vercoutter, J. "The Peopling of Ancient Egypt." In The Peopling of Ancient Egypt and the Deciphering of the Meroitic Script: Proceedings of the Symposium Held in Cairo from 28 January to 3 February 1974, by the Symposium on the Peopling of Ancient Egypt and the Deciphering of Meroitic Script. General History of Africa 1. Paris: UNESCO, 1978.

Yurco, F. "Were the Ancient Egyptians Black or White?" Biblical Archaeology Review (Sept/Oct., 1989): 24-29, 58.

General Studies in Egyptian Medicine and Human Biology

Adamson, P. B. "Human Diseases and Deaths in the Ancient Near East." Die Welt des Orients 13 (1982): 5-14.

Austin, A. "Contending with Illness in Ancient Egypt: A Textual and Osteological Study of Health Care at Deir el-Medina." PhD diss. University of California, Los Angeles, 2014. UCLA Electronic Theses and Dissertations ( (click to open).

Brothwell, D. R. and Sandison, A. T., eds. Diseases in Antiquity: A Survey of the Diseases, Injuries and Surgery of Early Populations. Springfield, Ill.: Thomas, 1967.

Buikstra, J. E., Baker, B. J. and Cook, D. C. "What Diseases Plagued Ancient Egyptians? A Century of Controversy Considered." In Biological Anthropology and the Study of Ancient Egypt, ed. W. V. Davies and R. Walker, 24-53. London: British Museum Press, 1993.

Cockburn, A. "Death and Disease in Ancient Egypt." Science 181 (1970): 470-71.

Deines, H. von, Grapow, H. and Westendorf, W. Ergänzungen: Drogenqanten, Sachgruppen, Nachträge, Bibliographie, Generalregister. Grundriss der Medizin der alten Ägypter 9. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1973

Ebeid, N. I. Egyptian Medicine in the Days of the Pharaohs. Cairo: The General Egyptian Book Organization, 1999.

Engelmann, H. and Hallof, J. "Zur medizinischen Nothilfe und Unfallversorgung auf staatlichen Arbeitsplätzen im alten Ägypten [On Emergency Medical Assistance and Accident Provision on State Jobs in Ancient Egypt]." Zeitschrift für Ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde 122 (1995): 104-37.

Estes, J. W. The Medical Skills of Ancient Egypt. Rev. ed. Canton, MA: Science History Publications, 1993.

Filer, J. Disease. Egyptian Bookshelf Series. London: British Museum, 1995.

Ghalioungui, P. "Early Specialization in Ancient Egyptian Medicine and Its Possible Relation to the Archetypal Image of the Human Organism." Medical History 13 (1969): 383-86.

Ghalioungui, P. The House of Life, Per Ankh: Medicine and Magic in Ancient Egypt. Amsterdam: B. M. Israel Boekhandel, 1973. A revision of Magic and Medical Science in Ancient Egypt. London: Hodder and Stoughton,1963. Reprinted New York, Barnes & Noble, 1965.

Ghalioungui, P. "Medicine in Ancient Egypt." In An X-Ray Atlas of the Royal Mummies, ed. J. E. Harris and E. F. Wente, 52-98. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1980.

Ghalioungui, P. and Dawakhly, Z. el-. Health and Healing in Ancient Egypt: A Pictorial Essay. Cairo: The Organization for Authorship and Translation, 1965.

Grapow, H. Kranker, Krankheiten und Arzt. Grundriss der Medizin der alten Ägypter 3. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1956.

Harer, W. B. "Health in Pharaonic Egypt." In Biological Anthropology and the Study of Ancient Egypt, ed. W. V. Davies and R. Walker, 19-23. London: British Museum Press, 1993.

Harer, W. B. Review of The Medical Skills of Ancient Egypt, by J. W. Estes. In Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt 28 (1991): 229-31.

Harris, J. R. "Medicine." Chapter in The Legacy of Egypt, edited by J. R. Harris, pp. 112-37. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1971.

Kamal, H. A Dictionary of Pharaonic Medicine. Cairo: The National Publication House, 1967.

Leca, A.-P. La médecine égyptienne au temps des pharaons. Paris: Les Editions Roger Dacosta, 1971, 1986.

Lefebvre, G. Essai sur la médecine égyptienne de l'époque pharaonique. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1956.

Manniche, L. Sexual Life in Ancient Egypt. London: Kegan Paul International, 1987.

Mostafa, D. "Guérir dans l'Égypte ancienne: experience religieuse, rituel magique ou pratique médicale. Varia Aegyptiaca 9/1-2 (April/August 1993): 45-57.

Nunn, J. F. Ancient Egyptian Medicine. London: British Museum, 1996; Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press, 1996.

Reeves, C. Egyptian Medicine. Shire Egyptology Series 15. Buckinghamshire: Shire Publications, 1992.

Ritner, "Magic in Medicine," in The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt 2, ed. D. B. Redford, 326-329. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001.

Ritner, R. K. "Medicine." In The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt 2, ed. D. B. Redford, 353-356. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001.

Ritner, R. K. Review of The Medical Skills of Ancient Egypt, by J. W. Estes. In Society for Ancient Medicine Newsletter 18 (1990): 18.

Sigerist, H. E. A History of Medicine. Vol. 1, Primitive and Archaic Medicine, 217-373. London: Oxford University Press, 1951.

Steuer, R. O. "(Whdw): Aetiological Principle of Pyaemia in Ancient Egyptian Medicine." Bulletin of the History of Medicine. Supplement 10 (1948): 1-36.

Strouhal, E. Life in Ancient Egypt. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992.

Strouhal, E. "Revealing the Sufferings of the Ancient Egyptians." Egyptian Archaeology: The Bulletin of the Egypt Exploration Society 6 (1995): 11-13.

Weeks, K. R. "Medicine, Surgery and Public Health in Ancient Egypt." In Civiliations of the Ancient Near East, vol 3., ed. Jack M. Sasson et al., 1787-98. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1995.

Westendorf, W. Erwachen der Heilkunst: Die Medizin im Alten Ägypten. Zurich: Artemis & Winkler, 1992.

Westendorf, W. Handbuch der altägyptischen Medizin. Two volumes. Handbuch der Orientalistik. Erste Abteilung. Der Nahe und der Mittlere Osten 36. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1999.

Wilson, J. A. "Ancient Egyptian Medicine." Journal of the International College of Surgeons 41 (1964): 665-73.

Gynaecology, Contraception and Abortion

Bardis, P. D. "Contraception in Ancient Egypt." Indian Journal of the History of Medicine 12/2 (1967): 1-3. Reprinted in Centaurus 12 (1968): 305-07.

Cole, D. "Abstracts of Publications Concerning Gynecology and Obstetrics for the Women of Ancient Egypt." Presented at the annual meeting of the American Research Center in Egypt, Washington, D. C., April 18-20, 1986.

Cole, D. "Obstetrics for the Women of Ancient Egypt." Discussions in Egyptology 5 (1986): 27-33.

Deines, H. von. "[mwt-rmtt] Mutter der Menschen." Mitteilungen des Instituts für Orientforschung 4 (1956): 27-39.

Feucht, E. "Kinderlösigkeit und -wunsch." In Lexikon der Ägyptologie. Vol. 3, ed. W. Helck and W. Westendorf, 440-41. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1979.

Forbes, T. R. The Midwife and the Witch. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1966.

Frandsen, P. J. "Tabu" [in English]. In Lexikon der Ägyptologie. Vol. 6, ed. W. Helck and W. Westendorf, 135-42. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1986.

Ghalioungui, P. "The Persistence and Spread of Some Obstetric Concepts Held in Ancient Egypt." Annales du Service des Antiquités de l'Égypte Ancienne 62 (1977): 141-54.

Ghalioungui, P. and Guindi, S. "The Persistence of the Use of Catamenial and Uterine Blood in Folk Medicine." Bulletin de l'Institut d'Égypte 47 (1966): 65-68.

Ghalioungui, P., Khalil, S. and Ammar, A. R. "On an Ancient Egyptian Method of Diagnosing Pregnancy and Determining Foetal Sex." Medical History 7 (1963): 241-46.

Himes, N. E. Medical History of Contraception. Baltimore: The Williams and Wilkins Company, 1936.

Inhorn, M. C. Quest for Conception: Gender, Infertility and Egyptian Medical Traditions. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1994.

Iversen, E. Papyrus Carlsberg No. VIII with Some Remarks on the Egyptian Origin of Some Popular Birth Prognoses. Det Kongelige danske Videnskabernes Selskab. Historisk-filologiske Meddelelser. Vol. 26, no. 5. København: E. Munksgaard, 1939.

Janssen, R. M. and Janssen, Jac. J. Growing Up in Ancient Egypt. London: The Rubicon Press, 1990.

Jonckheere, F. "La durée de la gestation d'après les textes égyptiens." Chronique d'Égypte 30 (1955): 19-45.

Kemp, B. J. "Wall Paintings from the Workmen's Village at El-`Amarna." Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 65 (1979): 47-53.

Meinardus, O. "Mythological, Historical, and Sociological Aspects of the Practice of Female Circumcision among the Egyptians." Acta Ethnographica Academiae Scientarum Hungaricae, series 9, 16 (1967): 387-97.

Meinardus, O. "The Theological Issues of Contraception in the Coptic Church." Orientalia Suecana 16 (1967): 57-84.

Pinch, G. "Childbirth and Female Figurines at Deir el-Medina and el-Amarna." Orientalia 52 (1983): 405-414.

Ritner, R. "A Uterine Amulet in the Oriental Institute Collection." Journal of Near Eastern Studies 43 (1984): 209-21.

Robins, G. Reflections of Women in the New Kingdom: Ancient Egyptian Art from the British Museum. Atlanta: Michael C. Carlos Museum at Emory University, 1995.

Robins, G. "Women and Children in Peril: Pregnancy, Birth and Infant Mortality in Ancient Egypt." KMT: A Modern Journal of Ancient Egypt 5/4 (1994-1995): 24-35.

Roth, A. M. "Fingers, Stars, and the 'Opening of the Mouth': The Nature and Function of the ntrwj-Blades." Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 79 (1993): 57-79.

Roth, A. M. "The pss-kf and the "Opening of the Mouth" Ceremony: A Ritual of Birth and Rebirth." Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 78 (1992): 113-47.

Sandison, A. T. "Empfängnisverhutung" [in English]. In Lexikon der Ägyptologie. Vol. 1, ed. W. Helck and E. Otto, 1227-28. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1975.

Sandison, A. T. "Frauenheilkunde und -sterblichkeit" [in English]. In Lexikon der Ägyptologie. Vol. 2, ed. W. Helck and E. Otto, 295-97. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1977.

Schulman, A. R. "A Birth Scene(?) from Memphis." Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt 22 (1985): 97-103.

Sijpesteijn, P. J. Gynaecologische aspecten van de Papyrus Ebers. Amsterdam: Philips-Duphar, 1972.

Stevens, J. M. "Gynaecology from Ancient Egypt: The Papyrus Kahun: A Translation of the Oldest Treatise on Gynaecology that has Survived the Ancient World." The Medical Journal of Australia 21 (December 1975): 949-52.

Strouhal, E. "Maternity in Ancient Egypt." In Anthropology of Maternity, ed. J. Doleal and J. Gutvirt, 281-92. Prague: Charles University, 1977.

Wells, C. "Ancient Obstetric Hazards and Female Mortality." Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine 51/11 (December 1975): 1235-49.

Human Anatomy: Notions and Conceptions

Bianchi, R. S. "Skelett" [in English]. In Lexikon der Ägyptologie. Vol. 5, ed. W. Helck and W. Westendorf, 981-82. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1984.

Gordon, A. H. "Origins of Ancient Egyptian Medicine, Part 1: Some Egyptological Evidence." KMT: A Modern Journal of Ancient Egypt 1/2 (Summer 1990): 26-29.

Grapow, H. Anatomie und Physiologie. Grundriss der Medizin der alten Ägypter 1. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1954.

Naguib, S. "Interpreting Abstract Concepts: Towards an Attempt to Classify the Ancient Egyptian Notion of Person." Discussions in Egyptology 29 (1994): 99-124.

Schwabe, C. W. "The Origins of Ancient Egyptian Medicine, Part 2: Ethno-archaeological and Biological Aspects." KMT: A Modern Journal of Ancient Egypt 1/3 (Fall 1990): 52-55.

Weeks, K. R. "The Anatomical Knowledge of the Ancient Egyptians and the Representation of the Human Figure in Egyptian Art." Ph.D. dissertation, Yale University, 1970.

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Molecular Biology and DNA Studies

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Mummies and Mummification (see also Palaeopatholgy and Medical Anthropology)

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Palaeopatholgy and Medical Anthropology (see also Mummies and Mummification)

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