Chronology of Rome

MONARCHY 753 - 509 BC nextbutton.gif - 280 Bytes
REPUBLIC 509 - 31 BC nextbutton.gif - 280 Bytes
EMPIRE 31 BC - 5th century AD nextbutton.gif - 280 Bytes
Principate 31 BC - AD 284
Dominate AD 284 - 5th century

Important Events:
First traces of Etruscan civilization in Italyca. 1200 BC
First Neolithic habitation on the site of Romeca. 1000 BC
Etruscan Villanovan Phase;
first Etruscan cities appear
900-750 BC BC
Iron Age settlement on Palatine Hill8th cent. BC
Greek colonization of Italy begins8th cent. BC
traditional date for the founding of Rome;
1st legendary king, Romulus
753 BC
Rome ruled by native kings753-616 BC
Etruscan Orientalizing period;
Greek and Near Eastern influences on Etruscans
750-600 BC
founding of Carthage as a Phoenician colony
from Tyre
725 BC
Etruscan kings rule Rome (Lucius Tarquinius)616-509 BC
Etruscan Archaic period;
height of Etruscan power and wealth; earliest Roman architecture by Etruscans;
earliest Roman water system by Etruscans
600-480 BC
Romans overthrow Etruscan king (Tarquinius
Superbus); establish the Republic
509 BC
Rome captures Veii (1st Etruscan city to fall)396 BC
sack of Rome by the Celts of Gaul396 BC
Rome captures Velzna (last Etruscan city to fall)265 BC
First Punic War: Rome defeats Carthage;
becomes a naval power; captures Sicily
264-241 BC
annexation of Sicily241 BC
annexation of Sardinia and Corsica238 BC
Second Punic War: Rome defeats Carthage
after a near defeat by Hannibal; Carthage
becomes Roman dependency; captures Spain
218-201 BC
First Macedonian War;
alliance of Macedonia and Carthage against Rome
215 BC
Battle of Zama (Second Punic War):
Scipio Africanus defeats Hannibal
202 BC
annexation of Spain201 BC
Second Macedonian War200-196 BC
Third Macedonian War171-167 BC
Third Punic War: final solution against Carthage149-146 BC
annexation of Macedonia148 BC
destruction of Carthage;
ground sown with salt `
146 BC
annexation of North Africa146 BC
annexation of Pergamon133 BC
Roman citizenship extended through all Etruria90 BC
Civil War: Republic begins its slide into decadance
and political and moral ambivalence
83-82 BC
dictatorship of Sulla; abolition of constitutional reforms82-81 BC
annexation of Gallia Narbonensis
(=southern France and the Riviera)
82-81 BC
revolt of slaves in Italy led by Spartacus73-71 BC
annexation of Syria, Asia Minor & Judaea
by Pompey
66-63 BC
First Triumvirate (Pompey, Caesar, Crassus) = military dictatorship60 BC
consulship of Julius Caesar59 BC
Caesar conquers Gaul58-49 BC
Caesar invades Britain55-54 BC
Civil War: Caesar vs. Pompey and
the Roman Senate
49-46 BC
Caesar (victorius) dictator and consul "for life"47-44 BC
assassination of Julius Caesar by Senatorial forces44 BC
Civil War: Octavian & Antony vs. Roman Senate44-42 BC
Second Triumvirate (Antony, Lepidus, Octavian);
Antony and Cleopatra rule from Egypt
43-31 BC
Civil War: Battle of Actium
death of Antony and Cleopatra;
31 BC
annexation of Egypt30 BC
reign of Caesar Augustus (Octavian);
Rome transitions from republic to empire
27 BC - AD 14
annihilation of Roman legions in Teutoberg ForestAD 9
reign of Tiberius14 - 37